New scoresheet - it is now posted under downloads, please use this new form going forward if you are a captain. We are still working on having a fillable scoresheet available online for those that want to use it, both scoresheets will be accecptable. Score sheets will be sent to the same email as last season,
Minutes -with the loss of our secratary last year due to family issues we got behind in creating the minutes so we could add them to the website. Keeping minutes is no easy task but we as a new board understand the importance and will make sure to stay on top of this.
Team registration - is Jan. 13th, this coming Monday, at Black LBC on Broadway. Registration starts at 7pm. Black is a new bar sponsor for the league! All teams must re-register and please filll out all information so we have correct contact information in our league roster.
Release Forms - we need new release forms signed by all players in the league. We will be storing a digital copy so once its on file you no longer have to sign another release form. Release forms must be submitted by the third week of play according to league rules. Release forms can be found on the website under downloads. Please bring them to team registration or email them to
Calendar - new dates are set on the caledar. If you use Google calendars on your phone already submit your email to and it will be shared with you so you can sync it to your pho