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WCC LXXX Long Beach - January 3-5, 2020

Team Winners
Am Rak (LB)
Tom Downey Jr. (Captain)
Nick Downey
Teofilo Moe Jr.
Tommy Punzalan
Brook Thomason
Xtina Garcia

Open Individuals
1st - Allen Badillo (LA)
2nd - Richard Walker (LB)
3rd - Arnold Castellanos (LA)
4th - Nick Lansdown (SF)
5th - Ray Cruz (LA)
6th - Ernie Elliot (SD)
7th - Al Bellestros (LA)
8th - Abdul Ibrahim (SD)

1st - Joanne Mattingly (SD)
2nd - Pearl Tripp (LB)
3rd - Saeromi Kim (LA)
4th - Lauren Ward (SD)
Hi-Lo Winners
Brian Haneiwich / Jefferson Javiar (LA)
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